In addition to that in BFA Affliction was heavily designed to be more of a single target spec, making our spread pressure, especially when not being able to burn cooldowns and cast UA, due to weak dots, well lacking. With one spell school only, no baseline Demonic Circle, no way to peel for ourselves and no other mobility to speak of, other than a lenghty cooldown, gateway, we are in a terrible spot. The spec soaks up damage like a sponge but doesn't deal any in return.
Why? Primarily because of melee cleaves being able to utterly shut Affliction down and deal frankly unhealable damage to it. As you know Affliction in BFA (except for the very short time when the meme drain was a thing) has been a complete trainwreck of a spec in just about any form of pvp, but most importantly 3v3 of course.